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My company, Rachel's Basic Bites, is a small startup in the Kent county area of Rhode Island. I provide handcrafted granola bars, made with high quality organic ingredients.

Clean Eating Apple Nachos



These healthy apple nachos are super simple and super tasty. A great afternoon snack or even a dessert dish that your kids can create in the kitchen for themselves. I recently saw this great Idea on a show and since I’ve been wanting display dishes that were “heart healthy” for the month of February, this was absolutely perfect.


In today’s society, with numerous food allergies and sensitivities, it’s nice to know that these treats are gluten free, grain free and dairy free. We all know apples are good for us, but just one apple with it’s skin on contains 4 grams of fiber. Plus they are packed full of goodness such as flavonoids, potassium, vitamin C and other phytonutrients.  Also, for every 10 grams of fiber eaten daily, your risk for heart disease drops by 14%. That is wonderful news. With that in mind, food is fuel in nourishing your mind, body and soul. Choose wisely.


I LOVE that these nachos are good for my kids overall well being and that they are enjoyed in our household. In this version of nachos i combined red and green apples for taste and texture, a drizzle of almond butter and chocolate, some other nuts and dried fruits on hand. You may use anything you like. Just have fun and get creative in the kitchen.


“Creativity is intelligence having fun” – Albert Einstein


Anyway you slice it, kids of all ages will love these yummy nachos!



SERVES: about 4



3-4 apples any combination

2-3 tbsp nut butter (peanut butter, sunflower or almond butter)

1-2 tbsp honey, raw is best

1/4 cup chocolate chips

2 tbsp dried cranberries, or preferred

1/4 cup raisins, or preferred fruit



Firstly, core and slice the apples quite thinly and place them on a decorative bowl, overlapping.

Then, top the apples with all of your favorite items. It’s best to melt the nut butter and chocolate chips to drizzle over of course. You whatever tantalizes your tastebuds. Enjoy!


NUTRITIONAL CONTENT: Calories 200; total fat 6.4g; cholesterol 1mg; sodium 7mg; dietary fiber 5.4g; sugars 25g; protein 2.8g; Calcium 2%; vitamin C22% and iron 14%.


