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My company, Rachel's Basic Bites, is a small startup in the Kent county area of Rhode Island. I provide handcrafted granola bars, made with high quality organic ingredients.

Healthy Benefits of Mindful Meditation



“The quieter you become the more you can hear”.  – Ram Dass



The past year or so, I have been implementing morning meditation practices on a daily basis as part of my self care rituals. Over time I had noticed huge improvement on many levels.


Before starting to apply this in my daily life, I have done research with books, documentaries and videos about this very simple but powerful benefits with meditation. Although in the beginning I was not consistent, but once I reached a level of cultivating a steady habit it all started to shift. I experienced clear changes with my thought patterns, my emotions, my reactions towards external events and views of reality.


During the process of my journey with meditation, I have found various benefits to share with you in this process. If you don’t meditate, or maybe thought of it but haven’t tried it just yet. I highly recommend you considering small changes in cultivating it as a daily habit. Below are some of the many health benefits I have experienced for myself.





With meditation, you are able to release all the junk out of your system, just like cleaning your home. You expel negativity and return it to the universe where it can be converted into positive energy. But just like cleaning a very messy area, it does take time and effort before all that mess is completely cleaned out. After regular meditation, i felt more calmness within my mind. It truly made me realize how noisy my state of mind was previously. And this is the state in which only you can experience for yourself. This has increased my awareness level with my own thoughts.




Are you aware of the millions of thoughts that go through your mind during the 24 hour period? Do you know what you are thinking about all the time?

Meditation can help to give you clarity on your thoughts, inner desires and increased self awareness. The more you meditate, the more self aware you are and become. You become conscious of what you think, say, feel and what you want. Your vision must be clear in order to have strength and not to be easily swayed by external factors that surround you. Meditation has increased my connection with my inner intuition.




You become more unattached to the physical world and start becoming a third party observer of what surrounds you. You become more observant of the world around you and not ruled by your ego and much more aligned with your higher self. And in turn, you become a person of calmness. More peace. More harmony.




When you are more grounded, You become present in the world around you. This lets us react better to situations around you. You are more attentive, focused, efficient and receptive. You maximize every moment of your life by living in the moment.




You become more connected with your surroundings, the people around you, the world around you. You tend to start shedding lower levels of consciousness in vibrating higher with energy. Everything is inter-connected in this world.




With meditation, this is where creativity and imagination comes into play. I’ve gained ideas and creativity through this simple method that has been around for centuries. Even our greatest leaders have tapped into this such as Edison, Buddha, Jesus, Confucious, Einstein and many more. Through constant practice, you will master positive intentions. Your ideas and solutions will be elevated on a more conscious level.




All of us are essentially made up of energy, we have 7 energy centers, called the Chakras, where energy flows from. When you meditate, you are able to clear these unwanted energies and in turn feel more energized and rejuvenated.




With insomnia, in most cases it is the constant thought patterns coming and going that may result in anxiety, stress and depression. This method helps to clear the mind of unwanted clutter and allows more soothing sleep. Remember it will take time and doing this before bed is best as well. Just keep up with the regular ritaul and you will see positive results. Consistency is key.




Heightened consciousness from meditation leads to a higher and deeper spiritual awareness and your sixth sense. That sixth sense sure comes into play. Your intuition is what gives the most insightful and valuable solutions.




You will gain overall fulfillment with the many meditation practices. You will be able to master yourself, become more positive and revitalized.



Mindful meditation isn’t always easy or even peaceful at times. Remember it takes time and effort to master. But it has numerous benefits, and you can start toady, and for the rest of your life.




“Nothing can bring you peace but yourself”. – Ralph Waldo Emmerson











