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My company, Rachel's Basic Bites, is a small startup in the Kent county area of Rhode Island. I provide handcrafted granola bars, made with high quality organic ingredients.

All about Rhubarb

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Oh RHUBARB, how do I love thee!!!!


To tell you the truth, I haven’t utilized this simple super food until now. Always like to try something new and I must say it is absolutely my favorite!! Did you know that rhubarb dates back to 2700 BC where it was grown and used in China for medicinal purposes?! It is thought to make it’s way to America in the late 1700’s and began growing in Maine, then spread all the way into Massachusetts. Rhubarb looks a lot like celery but pink in color and the leaves of the plant are quite toxic. This plant contains oxalate, toxic substance, which has been reported to cause poisoning when large quantities of raw or cooked leaves are consumed, especially the green leaves.


It is indeed an excellent source of Vitamin C, which promotes a healthy immune system. It’s high in dietary fiber and calcium. Low in sodium and saturated fat which makes it very good food to prevent heart related diseases. Also very high in Vitamin K, which is thought to prevent diabetes.


Healthy ways in preparing this super food is by baking or stewing for a long period of time. It can be cooked with oranges and apples sprinkled with spices. Rhubarb can be used in a variety of ways from pies to putting on pizza and also makes excellent sauces and jams.


Rhubarb is an unusual vegetable and often thought of as a fruit. It is quite popular in the culinary world and so very versatile in utilizing this nutritional powerhouse ingredient. Go ahead be creative and create something wonderful. This past week, I created a Strawberry-blueberry rhubarb crumble for the family, which i will share in my next blog. It was a hit!! It was tart and sweet. Next, I will create a rhubarb jam and tart. I think I’m in love with rhubarb!!! Try them, try them!! You may like them!!

