Coconut Chocolate Ice Cream
” I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!”
This non-dairy refreshing, mood enhancing ice cream is a perfect summertime treat. With only just a few key ingredients and about 10 minutes of preparation time, this is super simple and satisfying. You may use this recipe with or without a maker. I made this with a high fat content of coconut milk for creaminess, a natural sweetener (honey), pure vanilla and good quality (semi-sweet) chocolate. So light, creamy and so delicious!!
The charming coconut!! Coconuts are so good for you, they contain numerous health advantages for your overall health. They are high in fiber and vitamin C which helps promote a healthy immune system and satiety when consuming coconut. It also contains lauric acid which is an anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties. This simple super food provides high amounts of selenium, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium in which will provide you with more sustainable energy, it’s a wonderful cleanser and healer of a leaky gut, also helps to fight off infections and it’s ability to boost thyroid functions by up to 20% as well as preventing colon and breast cancer. This is due to the oils protective nature and ability to prevent infections of the body while cleansing the system. In addition, coconut contains no trans fats, is gluten free, non toxic, hypoallergenic and anti-parasitic healing properties. Need i say more?! I don’t think so, a green light to incorporate some or more coconut in your life to maintain overall well being.
Serves: 2 quarts
6 cups coconut milk (high fat content for creaminess)
6-8 ounces semi-sweet chocolate, chopped and melted
4 tbsp cornstarch
1/3 cup local honey, or maple syrup
2 tbsp pure vanilla, or pod
Combine 1/4 cup of coconut milk, and cornstarch together; set aside.
In a small saucepan, on low heat, combine the rest of the milk, sweetener and chocolate. Stir frequently until boiling.
Remove from heat. Add cornstarch mixture. This will create a thicker consistency. Then, add the vanilla.
Place in a heat proof serving dish with a lid, apply parchment over ice cream before placing lid on top. This will prevent from ice crystals to form. Refrigerate overnight or at least 4 to 6 hours before placing in the ice cream maker. If not using a maker, just keep in freezer until it solidifies.