Rachel's Basic Bites – Home


My company, Rachel's Basic Bites, is a small startup in the Kent county area of Rhode Island. I provide handcrafted granola bars, made with high quality organic ingredients.

One of the biggest mistakes




To often we find ourselves with negative self talk.


We may say………

I AM sad

I AM angry

I AM tired

I AM not worthy

I AM not good at this




Well, you get the idea. But our biggest mistake is being defined by our emotions. That is NOT true!



We are NOT our emotions. It’s good to acknowledge them, but we are NOT them.




It’s important to feel the emotion, let it go and move on. Feelings come and go. Pain is only temporary. They do NOT define us unless you choose to let them!

A slight acknowledgement with self talk can change this for you.



Instead say…….

“I AM feeling _________?”.




Therefore, you will be able to separate your emotions. Which will be the first step in the right direction in moving through the emotions.




So, whenever those unhealthy emotions come over you know that it will pass and redirect those emotions towards a more positive mindset with the “Power of Yet”.






“I don’t get it”

“I can’t do this”

“This doesn’t work”



Take a deep breath. Go for a walk or meditate in silence. Then add a “Yet” to the end of your sentence.



As in:



“I don’t get it….yet”

“I can’t do this….yet”

“this doesn’t work….yet”



