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My company, Rachel's Basic Bites, is a small startup in the Kent county area of Rhode Island. I provide handcrafted granola bars, made with high quality organic ingredients.

The Healthy Benefits of Lifting Iron



Did you know, it’s still a HUGE misconception that woman should not lift weights and a lot of women still spend most of their time just on cardio machines?! It’s TIME to break the status quo ladies. Lifting iron just a few times a week will not only trim off inches from your hips and waist, but it can totally transform your shape and your overall well being. And ladies who lift weights even after the 24 hour time period burn 100 more calories than those who only did cardio. Plus, it can boost your mood entirely for the whole day! Below are the many benefits in lifting ladies.





BODY FAT LOSS – Lifting weights builds more muscle and as lean muscle increases so does your metabolism. When you have a higher metabolism you will burn more calories all day long.


INCREASED PHYSICAL STRENGTH – The misconception here is that most people think you will “bulk up”, but that is NOT the case at all. women are not made of fairly enough testosterone in building that kind of muscle like men do. Instead we develop muscle definition and overall strength.


BONE STRENGTH – Strength training and weight baring exercise has shown to help increase bone density and slow down the process of bone loss overtime. As we age, we are more prone to fractures, falling and osteoporosis due to density levels, especially after the age of over 35 years old.


DECREASED RISK OF INJURY – When you strength train on a regular basis, this significantly decreases those risks substantially. Utilizing weights can help to correct imbalance of the muscles with proper movements in reducing muscle-skeletal injuries.


BURN BABY BURN – The more intense the workout the more calories burned. After an intense workout of strength resistance training, there is more EPOC, excess post exercise oxygen consumption, in the system with increasing oxygen to help break down fat that stores in the body.


PROMOTES HEALTHY POSTURE AND REDUCTION IN BACK PAIN – For myself, I’ve noticed a vast improvement in using weights versus just cardio sessions. This creates a stronger back, shoulders and core while correcting posture to stand taller with the shoulders and spine more aligned properly.


STRESS RELIEVER AND POSITIVE MINDSET – I always love that endorphin rush after a workout. Endorphins are neurotransmitters that prevent pain, improve mood and helps fight depression. It promotes healthy stimulation for your mind, more alertness and boosts of energy. So, go ahead and pick up those weights to brighten your day.


REDUCTION OF HEART DISEASE AND DIABETES – Since weight training can improve cardiovascular health by increasing HDL and lowering blood pressure, it also improves the way the body processes sugar. Adult onset diabetes is on the rise for men and women. Research has indicated that lifting weights can increase glucose usage in the body by 23% in a 4 month period.


FLEXIBILITY – Researchers have found that full range resistance training workouts can improve flexibility just as well as the typical static stretching regime. Now, if you have joint pain, go ahead and squat low. Your knees will thank you for it. Perkins says “Stronger muscles better hold your joints in position. So you won’t need to worry about your knees flaring up the next time you run”. I believe this to be true in that I enjoy running and other outdoor activities. It has helped me in my overall performance.Your core will be better able to support your body’s weight and maintain proper form during other exercises. Plus your arms and legs will become powerful in the process.


IT’S NEVER TOO LATE – Women who strength train consistently report feeling of confidence and capable as a result of their programs when dealing with clinical depression than just standard counseling in a 10 week time period of strength training. This is a Harvard fact.



Women who modestly gain more muscle will change their body composition. Therefore resulting in more lean body mass and less fat overall. And muscles strengthen not only your body, but your mind as well. Researchers have found that just six months of resistance training enhanced cognitive function substantially. In fact, these sweat sessions resulted better in verbal reasoning and longer attention spans.




