Rachel's Basic Bites – Home


My company, Rachel's Basic Bites, is a small startup in the Kent county area of Rhode Island. I provide handcrafted granola bars, made with high quality organic ingredients.

Simple Solutions to Detoxify the Body of Impurities Naturally


Overtime our bodies can become quite toxic due to environmental factors which may include water (flouride and other chemicals), air ( pollution, chemical trails and other toxins), food ( pesticides, chemicals, preservatives, GMO’s, preservatives, additives, etc), pharmaceuticals and other drugs. Detoxification is about resting, cleansing and nourishing the body from inside out. By removing and eliminating toxins, then feeding your body with healthy nutrients. This helps to protect from disease and renew your body’s ability to maintain optimal health through a range of methods such as yoga, meditation and so much more.






Do you feel like you need to detox? Here are some signs you may need to cleanse your body from impurities.







Skin breakouts

Food cravings

Congestion/constant colds

Trouble sleeping







Being able to truly heal along with an effective detox requires both the body and the mind. Below is a guideline of the many ways to naturally rid of impurities in one’s body in every day toxins. It’s important to get to the root cause, not just slap a band-aid over it. Listen to how your body is feeling. Sometimes it isn’t always about what you eat, but how you think or feel as well.



1. HYDRATION is one key factor!

A great way to start your morning rituals is a glass of filtered water with a splash of fresh lemon juice. This simply helps to flush out any unwanted impurities in the body and improves alkalinity levels. For myself, i add a pinch of apple cider vinegar to the cocktail. Apple cider vinegar is a powerful cleansing and healing elixir which helps to fight germs and bacteria in the body. Remind yourself to drink more water throughout the day!



Green tea, roobios, matcha and herbal teas such as dandelion or nettles help to rid the body of toxins.



This is one of the great ways to cleanse and balance the body naturally with your biggest health problems.


4. SAUNA sessions help to rid of the body of both heavy metals and xenobiotics foreign compound like plastics and petrochemicals.

Sweating removes lead, cadium, arsenic and mercury. It helps to eliminate hormone disrupting B.P.A. which accumulates in the fat cells. So important to keep hydrated due to sweating pulls out electrolytes and trace minerals from your body and plenty of salt ( good kind like Himalayan sea salt and mineral rich salt).


5. Intense MASSAGE

like a Swedish or sports massage is a great way to detoxify the body of toxins too. Although with  most it may seem like just a luxury, but excellent for gaining maximum health results.



is another way to flush out toxins from your body. This helps to increase lypolysis releasing toxins stored in your fat tissue. Exercise increases circulation, promote more oxygen to your liver and kidneys so they can better filter out toxins.



has been around for thousands of years in emergency rooms to treat poisons. Charcoal (negative) binds chemicals whose molecules have positive charges including aflatoxin and other mycotoxins, common pesticides. Once attached to charcoal you can pass them normally. Now charcoal can bind to the good stuff, so take another supplement after an hour or so. You may take charcoal pills along with exercise or a sauna session. Charcoal should absorb many of the toxins you release into your gut and GI tract.



is a powerful antioxidant that protects you from exposure of heavy metals. This helps support enzymes that breakdown mold toxins and heavy metals.



is one way to induce lipolysis, particularly if you are fasting. When in ketosis and you haven’t eaten recently, your body breaks down your fat stores into fatty acids in which convert into ketones for fuel. Meaning you should be able to supercharge your fat loss by dropping into nutritional ketosis.








Adding fiber rich foods


Getting into nature



Rid your body of alcohol, caffeine and sugar

Reduce your consumption of acid forming foods like soda, dairy, pork, shellfish, beef, peanuts and vinegar

Deep diaphramic breathing



Helping others

Burdock root and Echinacea tea (purify and detox the blood)


And lastly, find the positive in the everyday and move your body more. This will be helpful in reducing stress levels and chemicals in the body.







Below are the TOP 11 DETOXIFYING FOODS to choose from. I don’t know about you, but for myself i enjoy them all except grapefruit.

Which are your favorite from the list?


Green tea (rids body of free radicals)

Garlic ( helps liver)

Onions (helps liver)

Ginger (helps liver & digestive health)

Beets (helps liver & rids of free radicals)

Asparagus (helps liver)

Lemons (digestive health)

Apples (helps liver)

Grapefruit (helps liver & prevents kidney stones)

Pineapple (cleanses the gut)

Kale ( detoxes & flushes out kidneys)








My best advice is to figure out what works for you. This is NOT a one size fits all due to everyone is uniquely different in their journey. Slowly try out a new method for naturally cleansing a little bit more at a time. Learning to be in control and truly take care of yourself is the best step in the right direction for better health. You may find in the process that once ailed you may no longer be present or notice as much. Just take that first step. And i hope you will let me know what is working for you in your wellness journey?!









