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My company, Rachel's Basic Bites, is a small startup in the Kent county area of Rhode Island. I provide handcrafted granola bars, made with high quality organic ingredients.

Spinach And Ricotta Gnocchi

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The Spectacular Spinach!! OH how I love spinach. Do you?


We all know that spinach is healthy for us, but the research is quite surprising.


Spinach is a power house of nutrients, it is the highest vegetable protein around, with just one cup of 12% of this super food! It has an excellent source of folate and folic acid, high in Vitamin K, super duper high in Vitamin A, a good source of fiber and over 20% D.V. of magnesium, Iron, potassium, Vitamin C and manganese.


This essential ingredient improves your health by protecting you against heart disease (makes heart and muscles stronger), anti-diabetes, regulates blood pressure, protects against age related memory loss, cancer fighting, an anti-inflammatory, good for the skin, reduces frequency of migraine attacks, and also fights constipation.


Which is better in retaining nutrients in spinach; Cooked or raw? The answer is both. The benefits of cooking spinach is that it releases beta-carotene and lutein, it also neutralizes oxalic acid or oxalate, a compound that inhibits absorption of both calcium and Iron. And to consume in the raw, you will obtain maximum benefits of Vitamin C and folate, which is heat sensitive, have spinach in your salad. So, make sure to incorporate this beautiful greens into your natural diet.


Here is a super simple recipe I had come across, in a cook book of mine, of vegetarian dishes. It’s amazing what you are able to create with plant based ingredients that are fun, creative, and most of all, increasing your overall well-being. And, who says….. veggies aren’t fun?!  Hope you try it out. It was definitely a two thumbs up with my husband and I.




HEALTH BENEFITS OF SPINACH: Spinach plays many roles in maintaining your overall well being. Below are some of the benefits of this super food item.


Helps to improve sight

Treats macular degeneration

Increases metabolism

Provides neurological benefits

Helps with fetal development

Maintains blood pressure

Protects the skin

Treats and prevents cancer

Strengthens muscles






Prep time: 45 minutes + 1 hr refrigeration time

total cooking time: 15 minutes

serves about 6


4 slices of whole wheat bread

1/2 cup plant based milk

1 pound of frozen certified organic spinach, thawed

8 oz ricotta cheese

2 eggs

2 oz Parmesan cheese, grated

1/4 cup flour

Parmesan shavings, to serve





3 oz unsalted organic butter

2 cloves garlic, crushed

3 tbsp fresh basil, or parsley

1 ripe tomato, diced





Remove crusts from the bread and soak in milk in a shallow dish, for 10 minutes. Squeeze out any excess milk from the bread and the spinach.

Place the bread, spinach, ricotta, eggs and Parmesan in a bowl and mix thoroughly. Refrigerate, covered, for 1 hour. Then fold flour in well.

Lightly dust your hands in flour and roll heaped teaspoons of the mixture into dumplings. lower batches of the gnocchi into a large saucepan of boiling salted water. Cook for about two minutes, or until gnocchi rise to the surface. transfer to the serving plate and keep warm.

To make the sauce, combine all ingredients and cook over medium high heat for 3 minutes, or until the butter is nutty brown. Drizzle over gnocchi and sprinkle with the shaved Parmesan.







Protein 17g; Fat 26g; Carbohydrate 16g; Dietary Fiber 5g; Cholesterol 137mg; Calories 360



