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My company, Rachel's Basic Bites, is a small startup in the Kent county area of Rhode Island. I provide handcrafted granola bars, made with high quality organic ingredients.

Sweet Potato Cheesecake Bars

pictures 1897

A cheesecake dessert made with a healthier twist of sweet potatoes, spices, Greek yogurt and part cream cheese filling with a graham cracker crust. Unlike the traditional varieties, this is not powerfully sweet. It is light and smooth in texture and has a flavorful taste. Definitely delicious!


Sweet potatoes are so commonly used and labeled as yams, are an excellent and inexpensive staple to have in a household. It is very versatile to utilize in the kitchen as well. The sweet potato is a nutritional powerhouse! Below are the great benefits of this simple super food from http://www.naturalnews.com/




They contain a large amount of vitamin B6. This vitamin is crucial in breaking down a substance called homocysteine, which contributes to hardening of the arteries and blood vessels. Vitamin B6 helps keep the walls of these important blood passageways flexible and healthy which allows blood to flow freely.

In addition, sweet potatoes contain high amounts of potassium. Potassium plays an important role in lowering blood pressure by ridding the body of excess sodium and regulating fluid balance. It is also an important electrolyte that helps regulate the natural rhythm of the heart, and maintains normal function of the brain and central nervous system.

Rich in beta-carotene

Beta-carotene or vitamin A is an important antioxidant. One medium sweet potato provides your body with the complete recommended daily allowance of vitamin A and then some. Vitamin A is useful in the prevention of several different types of cancer as it is one of the most potent antioxidants out there.

Beta-carotene also helps to internally protect your skin from sun damage by both deflecting and repairing cell damage caused by excessive UV exposure. It also is an excellent nutrient for eye health and has been linked to prevention of vision loss and macular degeneration.

A great source of manganese

Manganese is a little-discussed trace mineral that has some great health benefits. It is a pivotal component in the metabolism of carbohydrates which helps support healthy blood sugar levels. This can help stabilize the appetite for hours as opposed to the temporary satisfaction that comes with most other carbohydrates.

It also is a cofactor in enzymes that play an important role in the generation of energy as well as the efficient utilization of antioxidants. It is used for the treatment of anemia and is useful as a treatment for several premenstrual symptoms in women as well.

Rich in vitamins C and E

As if being one of the top vegetable sources of beta-carotene weren’t enough, sweet potatoes are also rich in vitamins C and E. These are potent antioxidant vitamins that play an important role in disease prevention and longevity.

Both vitamins also play a huge role in the health and beauty of your skin and hair, making them popular supplements. The combination of beta-carotene, vitamin E and vitamin C in one food makes the sweet potato one heck of a “beauty food”. These nutrients all contribute to a healthy, glowing complexion and vibrant hair.



2 medium sweet potatoes, cooked, peeled and mashed with a fork

9 ounce graham crackers, or ginger snaps

1/2 cup sweetener

1 stick plus 3tbsp, unsalted butter, melted

sea salt, to taste

12 ounce neufchatel cheese, softened

1/2 plain Greek yogurt, or sour cream

4 large eggs, room temperature

1 tsp ground cinnamon

1/4 tsp ground nutmeg

whipped cream, garnish


Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

In a food processor, pulse crackers until finely ground. You should have about 2 and 1/4 cups. Add 1/3 of the sugar, one stick of butter and salt. Pulse until evenly distributed.

Firmly press mixture into a 9″ x 13″ baking dish, bake until crust is lightly golden brown around the edges; about 10-12 minutes. Remove from the oven and reduce temperature to 325 degrees.

Meanwhile, in a food processor, puree sweet potatoes, cheese, yogurt, eggs, salt, remaining (3tbsp) butter, remaining sugar and spices. Pour into the crust and bake 30-35 minutes, or until just set in the middle.

Let cool on a wire rack for one hour. then refrigerate until chilled for a couple of hours, or overnight. Cut into squares when ready to serve. Serve with whipped cream.


NUTRITIONAL VALUE: Calories 176; Total Fat 9.3; Cholesterol 160mg; Total Carbohydrates 19; Dietary Fiber1.5g; Sugars 7g; Protein 4g; vitamin A 7%, Calcium 3%, vitamin C 7% and iron 4%.
